TU Delft scientists have uncovered how deep neural networks see distances in a single image. They report on their findings in an article on the public Arxiv repository.
TU Delft scientists have uncovered how deep neural networks see distances in a single image. They report on their findings in an article on the public Arxiv repository.
Dr. ir. Guido de Croon was featured on an article in the major Dutch newspaper, “de Volkskrant”, wherein he discussed the possibilities of learning about …
Saturday March 16th 2019: heavy rain and strong winds. No matter for the 500 odd people who gathered in Katwijk’s Hangar 2 for DroneClash 2019.
How do you take down a drone? This is the question being asked at DroneClash 2019 next Saturday 16th March.
Teams of autonomous drones could be used in rescue missions, exploration, and more. How can we enable them to fly together safely? We are working …
Small robots have limited perception and processing power. This is an inconvenient truth that we have to deal with. With swarm intelligence, however, we can …
The Delfly Nimble was featured on the program “Kleine beestjes: de superhelden van de aarde” (“Small beasts: the superheroes of Earth”) on Dutch national TV. …