

Guido de Croon
Full Professor
Bart Remes
Project Manager
Christophe De Wagter
Assistant Professor
Ewoud Smeur
Assistant Professor
Salua Hamaza
Assistant Professor
Marija Popovic
Assistant Professor
Erik van der Horst
Technical staff - RPAS Manager
Freek van Tienen
Taran Jaswant Singh
RPAS Flight Operations Manager / Engineer


Matthew Yedutenko
Bio-inspired Vision for Drones
Elijah Ang
Self-learning Drones with Artificially Evolved Bodies


Tom van Dijk
Tom van Dijk
Collision avoidance
Ziqing Ma
Agile flight of hybrid drones
Sunyou Hwang
Learning how to autonomously exploit updrafts
Sven Pfeiffer
Swarms of Micro Air Vehicles
Diana Olejnik
Diana Olejnik
Bio-inspired flapping wing MAVs
Jesse Hagenaars
Neuromorphic Learning
Stein Stroobants
Neuromorphic Controllers
Alessandro Mancinelli
UAV Control & Simulation
Sunyi Wang
Embodied intelligence for flapping wing MAVs
Yilun Wu
Neuromorphic Vision
Hang Yu
Collision Avoidance
Liming Zheng
BioMorphic Drones for Ecology Monitoring
Anton Bredenbeck
Tactile-driven Control for Aerial Robots
Robin Ferede
Time Optimal Control for Quadcopters
Chaoxiang Ye
Whisker-inspired Aerial Tactile Exploration
Tomaso de Ponti
Fault-Tolerant Control of UAVs
Jane Ramirez
Biomorphic Drones for Multimodal Locomotion
Till Blaha
Self-learning Flight Control of UAVs
Evangelos Ntouros
Autonomous Aerobatics with Hybrid Drones
Martijn Brummelhuis
Aerial Manipulation with Tactile Sensing
Shenqi Wang
Self-learning Navigation of Evolved Drones

Collaborating Researchers

Former team members

  • Elisabeth van der Sman (Student assistant)
  • Roland Meertens (Researcher)
  • Lodewijk Sikkel (Ph.D)
  • Matěj Karásek (Postdoc) Personal website
  • Dennis van Wijngaarden (Researcher)

Graduated PhDs

NameGraduation YearLink to PhD thesis
Federico Paredes-Vallés2023Link to thesis
Yingfu Xu2023Link to thesis
Shushuai Li2021Link to thesis
Borrdephong Rattanagraikanakorn2021Link to thesis
Mario Coppola2021Link to thesis
Shuo Li2020Link to thesis
Kimberly N. McGuire2019Link to thesis
Kirk Y. W. Scheper2019Link to thesis
Ewoud J. J. Smeur2018Link to thesis
Sophie F. Armanini2018Link to thesis
Sjoerd Tijmons2017Link to thesis
Tommaso Mannucci2017Link to thesis
HannWoei Ho2017Link to thesis
Yazdi I. Jenie2017Link to thesis
Joao V. Aguiar Vieira Caetano2016Link to thesis
Shuanghou Deng2016Link to thesis